If You Give An Advisor a New Business Model: Changes in Fee Structure Require Other Changes As Well

In a well-known children’s book called If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, a boy’s initial decision to give a mouse a cookie sets off a domino effect of one new requirement after another. It’s a great story about unintended consequences and the need to take responsibility for them.

The story is a useful lens through which to view the early momentum for moving away from an AUM-based fee to a recurring fee. Three recent articles highlighted this shift: two addressing discussions at LPL Focus (one from Financial Advisor and one from Wealthmanagement.com) and one sharing the results of a survey.

Without a doubt, recurring fees – and the steady revenue they produce – can be an attractive business model. Just ask Netflix or Salesforce. The appeal may be even greater if you’re an advisor whose primary alternative is a model in which you make less money when the market dives while you’re working even harder to satisfy clients who are unhappy with their portfolio losses.

But here’s the catch: You can’t shift to a recurring, subscription-like fee and still do the same things as before. Why? Because charging a monthly fee and delivering tangible value only two or four times a year means you’ll likely end up with unhappy and angry clients. Two totally unintended consequences.

If you decide to make the shift to a recurring fee, you also need to change two key elements: value delivery and measurement of client satisfaction:

Value Delivery. It’s entirely reasonable for a person who pays a fee every month to expect to realize value for that fee on a monthly basis. If Netflix didn’t spend millions of dollars on content and instead only offered old movies, you would cancel your subscription. If you could never get to the gym because you didn’t have time or there was a pandemic, you’d cancel your membership. Advisors have always had to face the question of “what am I getting for my money and is it worth it?” Under a recurring fees system, it’s even more important that the answer to that question is “yes”. Advisors need to ensure that they are explicitly delivering value to their clients on a regular, ongoing basis.

Client Satisfaction. If an advisor charges a fee based on AUM, it’s reasonable to assume that the client’s satisfaction will be driven by the growth of his/her portfolio. Shifting away from this fee model requires also moving away from the assumption about satisfaction. Portfolio performance will undoubtedly always be a piece of the equation when it comes to assessing the health of client relationships, but under a recurring fee model with ongoing value delivery, it can’t be the only piece. Client relationship health will increasingly be based on the frequency and quality of communications, the accessibility and easy use of technology tools, and the availability of ad hoc support and guidance.

The bottom line: People pay and assess satisfaction based on the value they receive. If advisors who shift to a recurring fee don’t acknowledge this reality of human nature, they will undoubtably face the unintended consequences of losing clients and referrals.

“…after they’ve seen Paree”: The challenge for financial marketers post-pandemic

There was a popular song at the end of World War I, “How Ya Gonna Keep ‘Em Down on the Farm,” about how soldiers returning to rural America might be restless after having seen the wonders of Paris (“How ya gonna keep ’em down on the farm after they’ve seen Paree [Paris]”). We believe financial marketers should be feeling a similar anxiety about their customers today, who during the new reality of our social isolation have experienced very different ways of interacting with their financial vendors.

There’s absolutely no question that none of us want to continue living the way we have since mid-March, but customers’ experiences with new ways of conducting business are changing their expectations and needs with respect to financial services companies. Certainly, some of these experiences have been far from positive, but the forced disruption of the status quo has opened people’s eyes to new possibilities and has elevated new and different attributes to important and valuable parts of their financial services relationships. For example:

  • Financial advisors and brokers may not welcome as many wholesalers into their offices after finding that virtual conversations work just fine.
  • Small businesses may set a higher bar for their banks to provide digital support and services after going through the pain of PPP.
  • Middle market companies may not welcome one-on-one conversations with prospective commercial lenders.
  • Consumers may place even more importance on the availability and quality of phone and online customer support — enough to overcome their normal bank-switching inertia.

EMI is currently conducting research, in partnership with The Gramercy Institute, among asset management firm marketing leaders to understand how they are providing support to socially-distanced sales teams. This research has revealed many different approaches (which we’ll share in future blog posts), but a common thread is that these marketing leaders believe that many of the adaptations forced by social isolation are likely to drive greater alignment between marketing and sales. Whether or not rose-colored glasses are playing a part in these assessments, this positive outlook indicates that at least some of the new approaches will carry on even when our world begins to open up.

On the one hand, it’s a good sign that firms may be more inclined to challenge assumptions and “standard operating procedures” in favor of new ideas that could better serve client needs. On the other hand, there is danger in greenlighting even well-intentioned new ideas if they aren’t subject to any more validation of their effectiveness than the old ways of doing things. It is therefore vitally important that financial marketers treat our current reality as a testing opportunity, not just an exercise in making the best of a bad situation. The key to this testing mindset will be analyzing data for answers to questions like:

  • Has the volume of sales opportunities gone up or down?
  • Have salespeople had more or fewer direct interactions with customers and prospects?
  • Has the quantity of inbound inquiries increased or decreased?
  • Have customers and prospects interacted more or less with digital communications?

Many or even most of the new virtual and digital approaches have the virtue of being cheaper than their pre-pandemic equivalents. That is why it is so important for financial marketers to not only “feel” that a new approach has been a success, but also quantify the increases or decreases in sales performance and customer satisfaction. Failing to do this runs the risk of marketers waking up in a world of lower budgets (“you proved that you don’t need to do as many expensive things”) and even more unobtainable objectives. In short, unless marketers can provide an alternative narrative, senior management may easily assume that marketing really can do more with less — and make budget allocation decisions that are disastrous for financial marketers and their companies.

Making Use of Data: 5 Questions Marketers Need to Answer to Succeed

A recent Forrester/Dun and Bradstreet survey revealed that only about half of sales and marketing decisions at B2B companies with over 500 employees are made based on data. The following summary from MarketingProfs shows that challenges to the effective use of data abound: From gathering to application to measurement, all are seen as either “extremely” or “very” challenging by a large portion of the respondents.

The paradox here is that businesses are awash in data today. Companies are spending vast amounts on software, hardware, and services related to data acquisition, management, and display. Moreover, businesses are constantly talking about data and the need to make better use of it. Unfortunately, neither these solutions nor the organizational desire solves the problem. In fact, the solutions often make the problem worse because they are seen (and sold) as a silver bullet and enable managers to check a box saying they are pursuing a “data initiative.”

The reality is that the problem lies not in a lack of will or technology. It lies in a lack of focus—a lack of strategy around data management and analytics. When you can measure anything, you do…but more measures mean more data and more difficulty making it all align. More data also mean more potential interpretations—and a decreased likelihood of consensus around what the data mean and the implications.

To construct an effective data and analytics strategy, marketers need to answer the five questions below. You’ll see that several are much more about strategy than data. Why? Because to capture and leverage the right data, we must first be clear on strategy.

  • What are the key stages of the customer journey? The point of marketing and sales is to influence behavior towards revenue generation. If you don’t know the path customers will follow that will generate revenue, what good is your data?
  • What activities are we undertaking today to move people through those stages? Marketing and sales should be targeting points on the customer journey with activities designed to influence behavior. Organizing activities along the journey ensures that you will use data about those activities and customers in the right way.
  • What should be the measure(s) of success for the impact these activities are having? Once you have aligned activities with the journey, identify ways of assessing whether those activities are successful, specifically with respect to the goal of moving from one stage to the next.
  • How can we align data we have or could plausibly get with these measures? Effectively using data to make decisions depends on being able to capture the right data consistently and with confidence. If it’s hard to acquire data or the data is subject to skepticism in the organization, it will never be used.
  • What decisions will we make based on the data? Imagine if, for a given measure or data point, one month it’s high and the next month it’s low. What decision will that trigger? If you can’t articulate the decision that will flow from the data, why capture the data in the first place?

To be clear, answering these questions is NOT easy for most companies. Data strategy isn’t easy. It’s actually much harder than buying software or hiring consultants to deliver more data and more measures through more systems. But without that hard work to decide what data and what measurements can really impact business outcomes, it’s unlikely that surveys like the one above will show any better results.