LIMRA Marketing & Research Conference Wrap-Up

EMI recently attended the LIMRA Marketing & Research Conference at Disney World. Our take-away from the conference: No business today can achieve sustainable growth and gain market share without being customer-centric. Easy to say, but less easy to implement.

As an exhibitor, we had dozens of conversations on companies reassessing and refining their client-centered strategies. The challenge of operating with a consumer marketing lens, versus the traditional product-centric lens, which so many companies have done, was well expressed in a recent McKinsey report* on U.S. retirement readiness:

[Providers] “have a unique, largely untapped opportunity…But to capture it, firms must stop driving product innovation based on actuarial models and instead lead with a strong consumer marketing lens…financial institutions must take a much stronger consumer view as they create new product prototypes.”

These challenges relate to how companies engage with their channel partners to enable customer-centric throughput. For example, one mutual fund leader at the Conference addressed investment language and how “financial security” resonates far more than “financial freedom.” An insurance leader explained the need to help agents establish an online social presence and keep diverse customers engaged through social media.

The LIMRA event helped us to crystalize several fundamental questions:

  • “Am I using customer-centricity to achieve competitive advantage with my channels and end-customers?”
  • “Is my organization unified in this approach, even if product, sales and research are in silos?”
  • “Am I extending my consumer-centric expertise and assets (e.g., research, collateral to advisor and agent channels) that arms advisors and agents with educational and motivational client tools?”
  • “Am I adapting core messaging to engage different generations, particularly as they age and their needs evolve, across relevant traditional and digital communications?”
  • “Am I preparing for what my distribution channels will need in the next two years based on what my research, marketing analysis and industry trends are reporting now?”

These questions speak to the need for strategies and tactics to help financial service institutions to grow share with their captive and third party distribution channels. EMI examined many of these questions at our recent webinar Four Strategies to Win the Hearts and Minds of Your Advisor Channel – and Grow Share which shows you the need for customer-centric throughput and the importance of building better advisor relationships that can be adapted to sales channels and ultimately end customers. This is a topical concern of research and marketing experts at investment and insurance firms alike as we clearly recognized at the LIMRA event.


* McKinsey & Company, “Why Are We Not There Yet? An Update on U.S. Retirement Readiness,” May 2013.

Lead Gen Budget Allocation…Zig When Others Zag

MarketingSherpa recently published the results of a survey that queried marketers on their expected budget allocations for various lead generation activities. Most of the focus among those who have picked up on this data has been on the increased budget for digital activities—in particular, social. The data does indeed tell an interesting story about the overwhelming trend in marketing to move away from traditional outbound demand generation tools towards inbound tools like social, SEO, and content marketing. From a practitioner’s perspective, however, I take something else away from the data: if I thought my audience might be receptive, I’d be overweighting to direct mail and paid search.

Sometimes in marketing it’s worth following the trends—not because they are trends but because they have become trends on the basis of positive reinforcement. SEO falls squarely into this category. There are times, though, when a trend develops out of wishful thinking and the fear of being left behind. While social absolutely has its merits and is a valuable tool for certain strategic situations, as a lead generation tool, I’d say the jury is still out.

And that brings me back to direct mail and paid search. Given the choice between marketing where all your competitors are and marketing where they are not, I’ll go with the road less traveled, zigging when others zag. We marketers spend much time, effort, and money trying to craft creative that gets our messages noticed. What if you put yourself in a position to be noticed simply be being the only piece of substantive mail on your target’s desk or the top sponsored link in a search? I’m not advocating ignoring the social channel at all, but sometimes zigging can deliver a big return.

What an Overnight Camp Can Teach Us about Managing the Customer Experience

Note: Since this involves a personal anecdote, I deviate from normal EMI blog practice and include my name at the bottom of this post. What follows is a cautionary tale about how an organization can destroy customer satisfaction and ultimately threaten revenue by not adhering to these simple rules:

  • View your CRM approach and communications through the lens of the customer.
  • Understand that satisfaction = reality – expectations: if you set expectations properly through communications, then satisfaction will benefit.

This summer, for the first time, my 11-year-old daughter decided that she really wanted to go with a friend to overnight camp. The camp we selected was one that the friend—and my wife—had attended in the past and enjoyed a great deal. For anyone familiar with overnight camps these days, it will not come as surprise to learn that the cost for a month of camp was not insignificant. My wife and I wanted our daughter to be able to have the experience, though, so decided to sign her up.

About a month before camp was to start, we received a communication that detailed all of the clothes that our daughter would need during her stay. All of a sudden, we were now on the hook for several hundred dollars more, but we appreciated the level of organization that enabled us to ensure that our daughter had what she needed.

But things took a turn for the worse, as detailed below:

  1. We were informed that in addition to the clothes on the list, we would also HAVE TO purchase several shirts and pants from the camp. No option to opt-out, no mention of that when we signed her up.
  2. Then, immediately after dropping her off, we were told that in order to communicate with her we had to sign up for an emailing service for which, yes, there was a fee.
  3. Now, with the end of camp approaching, we have received another communication: on the day we pick up our daughter we must—before we actually get to see her—settle up her “Canteen tab”, which comprises items (e.g., batteries, candy, soft drinks) she “purchased” from the little on-site store as well as the costs associated with day trips (e.g., to a nearby amusement park) planned by the camp.

All these additional costs took us by surprise. Maybe they were buried somewhere in the material provided about the camp, but they certainly weren’t prominently displayed. Moreover, we had no control over the expenditures. I’m confident that opting-out of the amusement park trip was not an option, nor would I have wanted to deprive my daughter of the experience, but since the camp knew it was going to charge me for these things, why didn’t it clearly tell me upfront…or better yet, why not build the charges into the cost of the camp?

And that brings me to what this whole experience should teach us about the importance of thinking strategically about the relationship between poor customer experience and lifetime value. My daughter might come back from camp having had so much fun that alternatives will not be an option next summer, and the camp will retain us as customers. However, the camp’s poorly considered pricing and communication decisions mean that even if my daughter loves it, I don’t. The next time another parent asks me how it was, my answer will be “Well, my daughter thought it was great, but it aggravated me like crazy….”

That’s called negative word-of-mouth and it should be a cause of concern for any business—but especially ones like this camp that relies on referrals for most of its marketing. Now, not only am I on the fence about sending my daughter, but I’m sure the parents I talk to will have second thoughts about sending their children. Avoiding this problem wouldn’t have involved any loss of profit for the camp; all it needed to do was follow the rules laid out at the top of this post.

Anthony Nygren